Giveaway: Her Next Chapter

There is power in the written word. And as I kid, I was obsessed with that power. I was always reading. Books littered my room ever since I started reading (and before that thanks to an elementary teacher mom), and I was totally that girl who had a book with her wherever she went. I read everything from fantasy to drama, mystery, historical fiction, and The Babysitter’s Club. As an adult, that voracious appetite for books hasn’t waned. I usually have a book tucked into my bag that I shlep with me everywhere, and have a number of books in e-format downloaded to my phone for easy reading as well.

And I’m pleased to say that my love of books has trickled down to my son. Every night we read a chapter or two of a book for bedtime. We’ve made our way through numerous Roald Dahl books, the Harry Potter series, and just the other day started the first in The Mysterious Benedict Society series. As we choose books to read, I’m very conscious about finding ones that lift up both boys and girls (Matilda was a big hit here!). I remember the world of books I thrust myself into, and I want to make sure the one my son starts diving in is healthy, varied, and as inclusive as possible.

So it was with great interest that I dug into the recently released Her Next Chapter by my friend, Lori Day. Lori, along with her daughter Charlotte Kugler, shares her own experience with books, and in particular a book club started by the two of them when Charlotte was in 3rd grade. Lori was navigating the myriad issues that crop up for mothers of daughters (sexualization of girlhood, negative body image, bullying, gender stereotypes, etc…) and Charlotte simply loved to read. What developed was a mother-daughter book club that explored books where girls were strong, central characters and the messages were ones that push backed against those that were seen in mainstream culture.

Charlotte & Lori

Charlotte & Lori

Her Next Chapter not only talks about the genesis of Lori and Charlotte’s club; it also dives into why they are so important, and even better – provides tips and suggestions for starting your own. While I don’t have a daughter, I still gained some useful insight, and a book of excellent book recommendations. (Though, if anyone wants to create a mother-son book club, I’m all ears, er… eyes!).

Lori’s book is incredibly useful for parents struggling with ways to help their daughters survive girlhood with a sense of agency and empowerment.And these aren’t just platitudes. Her Next Chapter is divided into topics, tackling issues like bullying, LGBT/gender-nonconforming girls & women, leadership, mean girls, body image and more. Each chapter provides suggested reading, discussion questions and offers some reflection by Lori’s daughter and co-author, Charlotte. And, with the push to create book clubs, she reminds us how important intentional community is – what better way to ride these waves of parenting than with others that are right in the thick of it alongside you? Lori says it best in her introduction,

“In a culture that can make the job of raising girls intimidating and isolating, it is crucial to have ways f coping and persevering that bring mothers and daughters together in uplifting and pleasurable ways.”

And so, I’m pleased to share that I’m able to give away one signed copy of Lori Day’s Her Next Chapter! Enter the contest via Rafflecopter or on the Mamafesto Facebook page! Content ends 6/27!



Update (7/1): A winner has been chosen. Thank you to everyone who has entered! You can still get a copy of Lori & Charlotte’s book, out now! For more info, check out Mother Daughert Book Club.

8 thoughts on “Giveaway: Her Next Chapter

  1. This book comes along at the perfect time, as my daughter is just turning 9 and an eager reader. I welcome ideas for how to connect with and support her through shared reading and booktalk.

  2. What a great idea. My oldest is only 5 but I could see us doing something like this in the future! I also read anything and everything when I was a kid, and it is very exciting for me that Alice knows how to read now!

  3. I would love a mother-son book club in the next few years. My son has loved the Oz series and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which are fun fantasy stories that have the bonus of featuring female protagonists. He just turned 6, so he may not quite be ready for reading many of these books at a deeper level. Sometimes I try to point out certain ironies or other bigger concepts, and I’m not sure if he gets it or he just does the “smile and nod” so I’ll continue reading the story.

    • I feel like most of it sinks in, even if it’s not readily visible in the immediacy. My son will say stuff based off conversations we had months ago, making me realize it does tend to stick!

      On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 4:00 PM, The Mamafesto wrote:


  4. I would also love to do a mother-son book club somewhere down the line. My son is only 3 so we are still very much in the reading picture books aloud phase of things. I’ve entered the giveaway for the book–I have a three month old daughter who won’t be a baby forever!

    • I have to say that a lot of the suggestions Lori gives in Her Next Chapter are also excellent resources for boys, but it would definitely be great to have a list and suggestions curated with boys in mind!

      On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:25 AM, The Mamafesto wrote:


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