This Is What A Feminist Looks Like

After reading one too many excuses as to why somebody felt the need to distance themselves from the “F-Word,” my frustration got the best of me, leading to the creation of my new series: This Is What A Feminist Looks Like.

My hope is to show the world that despite the various stereotypes that exist regarding who is a feminist, that the reality is much different. Feminists can be anyone – women, men, old, young, parents, partners, gay, straight, and everything in between. By profiling people that identify as feminists, my goal is to give a larger voice (and face) to everyday feminists, encouraging others to feel confident in calling themselves the same. You can learn more about my reasons/inspiration for creating the series, in this introductory post.

If you would like to participate in this series, please fill out the form below – I’d love to include you!

Now…Go and check out the feminists! 



10 thoughts on “This Is What A Feminist Looks Like

  1. Pingback: I Am The Future Of Feminism. | The Mamafesto

  2. Pingback: Mom & Pop-Culture | The Mamafesto

  3. Pingback: Link Love | The Mamafesto

  4. Pingback: THIS is what a feminist looks like. | Life V 2.0

  5. Pingback: This Is What A Feminist Looks Like: Jessica | The Mamafesto

  6. Pingback: When I’m Not Writing I’m Reading (…or drinking…or playing solitaire…or trying on pretty dresses…) |

  7. Pingback: This Is What a Feminist Looks Like: Vaneeesa | I Rez Therefore I Am

  8. Pingback: This Is What A Feminist Looks Like: Caitlin | The Mamafesto

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